Joy and "Genesius"

So much has gone on in the past couple weeks!! Not only did I finish my joy study (yay!), but I got through the last two weeks of rehearsals and three performances of a Christian Youth Theatre play! ( The play, titled "Genesius", focused on the persecution of early Christians in Rome, 303 AD. It explicitly shared the Gospel, and touched on themes like sacrifice, surrender, faith, love, joy in trials, and much more! I was HUGELY blessed to be able to be a part of this production, and know I will never be the same, especially after the role I played.

My character's name was Claudia. Not only was she a Christian, but she was also a noblewoman,
which was less common in those days. Her (fictional) husband was also an important official and a close friend of the Emperor, Diocletian. When Claudia and her daughter, Lydia, are captured and brought before the Emperor (which happens during the play), he tries to get Claudia to renounce her faith, first by appealing to her motherly love, then by threatening her with the stake. Neither work, however, and after singing a last goodbye and encouragement to her daughter (it's musical theater), Claudia is lead to her death. Lydia soon follows with a joyful spirit.

At CYT, our director encourages to not become our characters as we develop them, like worldly actors do, but I was still able to identify with and learn much from my character. As I tried wrap my mind around all the things God has taught me through this play, I realized a major theme was JOY! Here is my character, Claudia, who has all she could need as far as earthly possessions, a loving husband, and a beautiful daughter...but she joyfully gives it all up to serve her Lord's purpose! She welcomes death with a smile on her face because her heart is, "Each day I'll live or die to serve Him more." It reminds me of Philippians 1:21 that says, "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

So, going into the last two weeks, from an earthly perspective, I had no reason to be joyful (other than the fact that I love CYT)--my family was just getting over sickness again, and I was the only one who hadn't gotten it yet (which in a household of nine, is a disaster waiting to happen); my grandfather was (and still is) in the hospital for pretty much the first time in his life, and my Mom had to be away a lot; I was getting to bed around midnight almost every night because of long rehearsals; I'm trying to finish up college in the next four months, and got practically no schoolwork done the past two weeks.

A good reminder!
But you know what? Probably the biggest thing I've learned through this play is that the peace and joy of God is not based on circumstances!! That is why we can "consider it pure joy...when you face trials of many kinds," and "be joyful always...give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Before all of this started, I begged God for emotional strength, peace, and joy, and He gave them in a supernatural dose! I'm not sure if I've ever been so joyful or peaceful as I've been in the past couple weeks!

And I guess that's the application point of all of this--God loves to give good gifts to His children (Mt. 7:11), but sometimes, He just wants us to ask, over and over again! And like Claudia, even in the midst of a horrible situation, we always can be thankful to God just because He is God, and we look forward to living with Him forever!

I want to close with a passage from Colossians 3 that has definitely become a life verse for me in the joy department:
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." ~ Colossians 3:15-17

This is our calling, brothers and sisters. And with the power of the Holy Spirit granted to us, and the loving hand of our Father upon us, it is possible! It is possible to have peace and joy, not just when the circumstances are good; not just when we're being led to our death; and not just when we're putting on a play that glorifies God. No, in every moment! In whatever we do!! (including school, work, and family life)

And that's pretty cool if you ask me :)


I think I've shared this song with y'all before, but I felt like doing it again :)

In Christ,


  1. Beautifully said, Ellie. His joy in you is contagious!

    Terri Meeker

  2. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

    Christine Rogers


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