Prophets and Priorities

This morning in my Bible time, I read the book of Haggai. It's a short book, only two chapters, and one of the last three books in the Old Testament.

But wow, does this little book pack a punch!!

So here's the thing, as I've been reading through the prophets this year, there's one thing they all seem to have in common - pronouncement of judgement. Big time. Either judgment of Israel, Judah, or one of the kingdoms or countries nearby. And from what I've gathered, most of the time when these prophets shared God's word, the people didn't listen.

And here's where the book of Haggai is different.

The following takes place around 520 BC. The temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed in 586 BC,
but in 538 BC, King Cyrus of Babylon allowed the Jews to return home to rebuild it.

I can only imagine their joy in returning to the city, ready and willing to get to work! They were going to rebuild the temple! Yay!

But as the years go by, their passion for the temple dwindles, and the work comes to a standstill. The people make excuses, saying, "The time has not yet come for the LORD's house to be built." (Hag. 1:2b)

Then the Lord begins speaking through the prophet Haggai to the governor of Jerusalem, Zerubbabel, and to Joshua, the high priest. His basic message is this - "Your priorities are messed up!" The people are working on their own houses instead of doing what the Lord sent them there to do! They were even suffering for it, as the Lord had called for a drought on the land, and yet they still did their own thing.

But after Haggai stood up for truth, what do you but... "Then Zerubabbel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the LORD their God..." (Hag. 1:12a)

Wow! And you know what happened next? God said, "I am with you" (1:13b) and stirred up the spirit of the people so that they had renewed vigor to work on His House. He continued to pour His blessings on His people, and even gives a special acknowledgement to Zerubbabel, for their obedience in making Him and His priorities THEIR priorities.

This message on priorities really hit me this morning. Ever since getting back from Africa, I've felt a struggle with knowing what I should be about. But really, I think I've been struggling with putting my priorities in the right place. I need to quit worrying about myself and my future, and just live where God has placed me, focusing on others, doing what He has called me to do NOW - and the vigor and blessings will come as I am obedient to Him.


In Christ,


  1. Matthew 6:33
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. We should always put God first.

  2. Praying that you find that perfect place that the Lord has for you in this life!

  3. this is an ongoing truth in our lives. We get caught up in our own plans and forget that God has it all under control.


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