Declaration of Thanksgiving

Well, I'm getting very close to the end of my joy study, and today, Day 26 out of 30, the action item for the day was to write a "Declaration of Thanksgiving" and share it with others! And the cool thing is, that this declaration pretty much sums up what I've been learning throughout this whole study. :)


Declaration of Thanksgiving

     It is good and fitting for us to give thanks to the Lord in all circumstances, and not just because "this is God's will for [us] in Christ Jesus." (1 Thess 5:18) God deserves our thanks at all times and in all situations because He is God! He is good, his love endures forever, and he has redeemed us from the pit of our sin. He has performed innumerable awesome deeds before Mankind, including sending his son to die for a bunch of sinners, many of whom would continue to reject him after the fact!
     No matter how difficult or painful our circumstances, God does not change.

     Not only can we thank God for who he is and what he's done, but for the many blessings he's given us--ex. family, friends, a home, food, etc.--and for the many "invisible" blessings we've received. In other words, we can thank God joyfully for all the trials and burdens we have not had to face in our lives--ex. a debilitating disease, a serious car accident, a house fire, that our country's not being invaded, or my personal favorite: that I've never not had a Bible around!

     I desire to express my gratitude to the Lord in prayer, in worship, in front of others, and in whatever I do (Colossians 3:17). I also desire this gratitude to overflow in thankfulness to the people God has used in my life, whether to encourage and/or bless me, those who have prayed for me, taught me, and even those who have rebuked me in love (or not) and have helped me grow.

     Lastly, I desire to declare aloud, to others, and often the gratitude in my heart, because I've learned that gratitude in not merely learning to recognize the benefits I've received from God and others, but to express my appreciation. For what good is all this thankfulness if it's kept hidden inside of me?

    "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the LORD say this - those he redeemed from the hand of the foe..." (Psalm 107:1-2)


I'd like to end this post with sharing my "Top 5" list of outstanding blessings I'm grateful for. This is a list the study suggested we write to always be able to turn to when we're feeling down and find it hard to be thankful:

  1. That I will receive an inheritance from God, my Father. He didn't have to promise me anything after saving me from sin and damnation, but He chose to make me an heir in His kingdom!
  2. For God's steadfast love and forgiveness.
  3. That I have been redeemed from the pit of my life before Christ!
  4. For the incredible earthly father I've been given, who is hardworking, loving, forgiving, protecting, proactive, and a great discipler!
  5. That I don't have to go solo on the narrow road to eternal life - that God has given me a greater Body to be a part of - and for the wonderful local Body God has given me!! I am so blessed.

In Christ,


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