Be On Your Guard

I read 2 Peter 2-3 this morning--a very insightful passage about false teachers. We can learn four important characteristics of false teachers just from the first verse of chapter two.

The first thing we learn about these false teachers is that they are there, just like "there were also false prophets among the people" in the days before Christ. (2Pe 2:1a) As Christians, we sometimes like to put on rose-colored glasses in this area. Wake up and smell the coffee! These false teachers are out there even now, distorting the truth, and turning people from the path, as angels of light. Although there are many good reasons to actively stay in the Word, one of the most important is to be able to discern between what is truth and what are lies. Don't just let your ears be tickled--check the Word!

Secondly, they are secretive (2Pe 2:1b). These people are not going to be on the street corners yelling out false doctrine that is obviously heretical (okay, some might, but in general, it's not happening). No, they sneak in and slowly, deceptively worm their lies into other's beliefs. Like I've recently been learning about the Communists--a big way they got their indoctrination across was by making the indoctrinated think that these false ideas were their own ideas! And isn't that exactly what we're seeing in the world today?? Especially in the educational system and through the Media, a subtle inception is taking place.

Third, their heresies are not something that can be ignored or neutralized--they are destructive, especially when "denying the sovereign Lord" in a way that doesn't look like they're doing such. (2Pe 2:1c) Again, we must delve into the Word.

And fourthly, these false teachers are only "bringing swift destruction on themselves." (2Pe 2:1d) In time, they will be punished for their sin and slander, there is no escaping it. Later in verse three, Peter says, "Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping" and also in verse nine, "...the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgement, while continuing their punishment."

Brothers and sisters, I want to end today by encouraging you in the words of Paul-- "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." (1 Corinthians 16:13)


Change the world!

In Christ,


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