
Showing posts from January, 2017

A Heart Full of Joy || A Year At Sight and Sound

My heart is SO incredibly full right now, I just had to sit down and write about it!!! Me and my roomies!! (L-R) Kinsey, Emma This week has been AMAZING! On January 5th, I got in the car with family and friends and had the easiest drive up to PA I'd ever had, and started getting settled in my new apartment! In the following days I've met Kinsey and Emma - my wonderful, fabulous, beautiful, kindred-spirit roommates - along with the rest of the Sight & Sound Conservatory class of 2017! They are fantastic young people and we have all connected so much in just one week already! And I've probably laughed more in the last week than I have for the previous four weeks combined!  Thank you, Lord, for your joy! Note: for a photo journey of my year at Sight & Sound, search the hashtag #elventures17 on Facebook and Instagram! It took me a while to get my sleep and appetite back (I'm just SO stinkin' excited for this year), but I'm finally startin