Must Have God! (Hunger for Heaven - Part 1/4)
Hey all! This post will be the first in a series called "Hunger for Heaven" that will cover what I learned from my most recent Bible study on longing. You can read the intro to this series here . I said this in the introduction, but I wanted to put this disclaimer here as well: I am merely a studier of the Word. I am no expert, and I'm certainly not God! Although I enjoy sharing my insights, I certainly do not understand everything, or believe that I am necessarily right on everything I do understand. Even if I quote well-known theologians, such as Matthew Henry or John Piper, don't just believe it! I'd encourage you to take everything with a grain of salt, and go look it up in the Word, because God's Love Letter is the only written word in which we can trust completely!! So, let's get started! :) As I said in the intro, I want to long after God more, and not just at random points, but all the time! If I'm going to be rid of the selfish longings ...