Did God Really Say?
Word Study, Part 2 Alright, it's time for Genesis 3. Whohoo! ;) The serpent says, "Did God really say...?" So the serpent is questioning not only God's sincerity, but also His power (as we saw clearly shown in the first chapter). Then, the serpent uses words (*hint hint*) to twist God's original meaning. Yes, he uses part of the truth, but surrounds it with lies to get what he wants. This is called deception . The truths the serpent uses are: - They won't die on the spot - They will be like God in that they'll know good and evil The lie: - This was something to be desired. The moral of the story is, just because a statement we make has truth in it does not automatically mean it's true. And in any situation where we are tempted to deceive, we need to ask ourselves--who are we trying to build up in the process? Others, God, or ourselves? A question that I asked myself, and hope to answer as the study continues is--...