
Showing posts from 2019

A Love Letter From God

What if God wrote 1 Corinthians 13, the "Love Chapter", as a love letter to you, written in "his own hand"? {Read the actual chapter HERE .} A Love Letter From God An Artist's Interpretation by Ellie Faggion Dearest, I've spoken through men and women throughout the ages. I've sent angels to speak to you. I've even spoken "man-to-man" with some of you. But if I didn't love you, all those interactions would be like a bad rock band - just a bunch of noise. I know everything there is to know and understand every mystery that causes you to explore or worry. I could even pick up Mount Everest and throw it into the ocean if I wanted to. But even with all that Knowledge and all that Power, if I didn't love you, what kind of Almighty God would I be? I gave up everything to come to earth as a man. I was poor. There was nothing remarkable about my appearance. I healed the physically and spiritually sick, and I eve...


perfectioN: It can heal. It can crush. It can make us more imperfect by our pursuit of it. When we think we reach it, it often pulls away, showing us the cracks and wrinkles that still need to be smoothed over. The last ounce of it we must reach to finally be happy. And even though I firmly believe there’s only One who has ever truly possessed it in its fullness, listen to the tricks the mind can play. So. Perfection looks like immaculately edited Instagram photos - the perfect pose, the perfect latte art, thriving succulent, the beauty that the photographer captures with perfect symmetry and patterns that our eyes love when we see them. SNAP. Perfection looks like that once in a blue moon day when your hair, skin, and bloating stomach all agree to be on the same page and look FOINE. When the sun is out, the light is right - not too bright, find that shadowy spot in the yard, coffee shop, library, mall where it diffuses and makes you look like a goddess - SNAP goes the sel...