Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

A couple months ago (when I first started writing this post!), I was watching one of my favorite shows on Netflix and something horrible happened. My favorite character turned out to be a bad guy. And not just a “bad guy”, but a really, really bad bad guy! You may know the feeling - you’re sitting there, just chilling, and all of a sudden you’re screaming at the screen, and your family looks at you like you’re crazy! I was furious. More furious than I think I’ve ever been at a TV show. I was furious that this character had so totally deceived his team…and me. He was a hero - a great guy who seemed to honestly care about the safety and well-being of his team…and the leading lady. He was considerate, though cold at times, brave, and had endeared himself to the entire team, and saved their lives multiple times. But in truth, he was only a fraud. A traitor. And a dang good one. This episode was interestingly timed, as just a few days before, I’d listened to an interview on Focus on t...